Every vehicle with an electronic injection engine (petrol or diesel) has an ECU (engine control unit), also known as the computer. This contains data that holds your vehicle settings for ignition, injection, air/fuel ratio, throttle control, torque management and much more, which were set in the factory when the car was produced. We’re able to reprogramme these settings in your ECU for better performance, power, torque and/or fuel economy – this is known as: chip tuning, remapping, ECU tuning, ECU reprogramming, ECU software upgrading.
Instantly noticeable increases in power and torque
- Better acceleration
- Improved throttle response
- Smoother power delivery
- Better fuel economy (on most engines)
- A vehicle that’s much more fun to drive!
The ‘original’ figures on the search results are the manufacturers power and torque ratings. The tuned figures are actual gains measured on vehicles in good condition with dynamometer equipment. Due to engine characteristics, environment and fuel type, we have seen up to 10% variance in factory vehicle power ratings. If your vehicle is making more than the factory rated power before it’s tuned, it may make more power than the figures shown, and vice versa.
Yes, we can tune your ECU to your existing vehicle modifications. Please mention your car’s modifactions when booking in.
The simple answer is yes, no problem. Please mention your previous tune when booking in.
Some ECU tuning can be performed without the use of the dyno. However, depending on the vehicle, ECU type and extent of the modification (if any) we may recommend dyno tuning. If the vehicle modifications are basic, such as exhaust system and air intake – the dyno may not be required but optional.
- Chip tuning (come to us) 4 hours – 1 day
- Chip tuning (with dyno) 1-2 days
- Mail order: We aim for same day turn around, but best to allow 24 hours plus delivery.
No. All Tune Technic ECU tunes work within parameters set by the vehicle manufacturer. Put simply, our tunes won’t over stress your engine as it already has the ability to make more power but is detuned from the factory.
Tune Technic petrol ECU tunes are based on New Zealand 98 RON or 95 RON (Research Octane Number) fuels and we will advise you on which of these will achieve optimum results for your vehicle. Our diesel tunes suit all diesel fuel available on the market nationwide.
We’re confident you’ll never want to, but yes, Tune Technic ECU tunes are totally reversible. We keep a copy of your original tune on our secure backup server should you ever want to revert back to the factory tune at any time. This is free of charge for 3 years from the date of your tune, see our Guarantee page for more info.
It’s globally known that chip tuning or remapping of any kind is not permitted by the vehicle manufacturers. Does this stop anyone? Hell no!
In New Zealand, depending on who your vehicle dealer is, some will actively allow or discretely endorse professional chip tuning. How do we know this? Because we chip tune for some of the major brands on new vehicles. They want to keep their customers happy, so would prefer the job done professionally and safely rather than have their customers seek a non-trustworthy source for performance gains.
So what happens at service time if my ECU is tuned by Tune Technic? Nothing unusual. You get the service done as per routine. Our programming is undetected. Due to the way we programme your vehicle’s ECU, our chip tuning is undetectable by the dealers factory tools. So there is nothing to worry about during vehicle service.
If the ECU was forensically tested (by someone like us), it may be revealed that the ECU is modified. Would the dealer go to all that trouble? No, they just want to get the car serviced and out the door. A Tune Technic tune gives the dealer no reason to go looking for trouble.
We choose not to protect or encrypt our tuning maps, meaning the dealer can still make any factory updates to your ECU software if required (such as a global safety recall or similar) .If your ECU software is updated by the dealer, we will reinstate our tuned software (incorporating the dealer update) free of charge for up to 3 years. Once new vehicle warranty has ended, it is highly unlikely your vehicle will receive any factory update. Vehicle / ECU must be brought (or sent) to us. We do not cover freight or transportation costs. See our Guarantee page.
We can help you with the ECU removal procedure for your vehicle, please feel free to contact us.
So called Tuning Box’s and Chip Modules trick the ECU via sensor interception and manipulation into raising the common rail, turbo pressure or pedal profile. They are a plug in and leave in device, meaning it has to remain connected to work. They’re sold under many names and some companies try to make them sound like they’re doing the same job as an ECU remap – they’re not!
Over the years we’ve tested many kinds of tuning boxes just out of interest. While some work better than others, we can honestly say we’ve never seen one that can deliver results that come anywhere close to professional chip tuning.
Our typical dyno tuning process goes like this. Firstly we verify the engine’s health with some basic vehicle checks. Then the vehicle is setup on our dyno and some testing is performed to establish the engines current performance and state of the existing tune (if possible). From here we check and set all base parameters of the calibration. Then we ‘map’ the engine. This involves using the dyno’s load to get through every main map cell and establishing optimum values for fuel, ignition and other parameters. Once this is done all the compensation tables get some attention. We use some trickery in the dyno cell to manipulate the ambient and engines temperature which enables us to simulate some worst case scenarios and make sure your ECU can cope with them if ever encountered. Then comes the final results. How much power and torque does the engine actually produce? Can we find any more without compromise? From here the vehicle gets road tested (if required) and a few more fine adjustments take place. We then keep the vehicle overnight and check and adjust the cold start, idle and other parameters to make sure everything is perfect. A final road test is then performed to check the car’s manners and make sure it behaves as it should!
The length of a dyno tuning session depends solely on how much needs to be done and the complexity of the setup. A tidy up tune (E.G. An engine we have tuned before) coming back for changes may only need 2-3 hours. Where as a new engine and ECU setup from scratch with all the options can sometimes take 1-2 days.
Some vehicle 4WD systems can struggle with a certain style of 4WD dyno’s. This can cause damage to the vehicles centre differential. The problem arises when the dyno can’t keep the correct speed ratio between the front and rear wheels. Conventional dyno systems get around this problem by physically coupling the front and rear roller sets together. Here at Tune Technic our dyno is smarter than that. Our dyno control system samples the roller speed at a super-fast 100 times per roller rotation, meaning we can perfectly match the roller speeds via precise retarder control on a 4WD vehicle. This means we have no 4WD drivetrain issues as commonly associated with un-coupled dynos.
A road test is advisable after a dyno tuning session – if your vehicle is road legal. On the road, we perform a few more tests and adjustments to ensure you get the perfect tune.
We understand that things don’t always go to plan. Proper preparation before a dyno tuning session can save you time and money. If your car has problems when on the dyno, we will notify you and if the issue is minor we may be able to sort it – there and then. If the problem is major, then the dyno session could be aborted.
Simple, avoidable issues such as ignition misfire (due to an old spark plug) and turbo pipes popping off can often drag a dyno session out unnecessarily. Download our dyno tuning checklist, do the preparation. Get the results. Remember the 6 P’s